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The Switch to GA4 and What You Need to Know

To better understand the consumer journey, you will need to understand a bit more about Google Analytics 4. GA4 is a brand-new property created for the future of measurement. It works by:

  • Utilizing event-based data rather than session-based data
  • Including privacy protections including cookieless measurement, behavioral modeling, and conversion optimization
  • Offering guidance without complex models through predictive capabilities
  • Using direct integrations with media platforms aid in generating activity on your app or website

google analytics universal analytics

Some metrics on Google Analytics Universal Analytics (UA) will change during the switch to GA4. Bounce rate is no longer a standard metric. It is replaced by user engagement data, tracking engaged sessions, conversions, and how often engaged sessions occur and how many engaged sessions occur per user. The switch to GA4 will automate some processes that had to be manually installed through tracking codes, such as previously needing to manually set up triggers to start collecting data which will now be automatically triggered through the start of a session on your website.

What Do You Need to Do?

The total switch from UA to GA4 will take place on July 1, 2023. Before that date, setting up your GA4 dashboard and getting a feel for how the changes work will benefit you. The best practice recommendation is to set up a GA4 property now with your existing UA properties since you will be able to use the GA4 Setup Assistant to configure your GA4 parameters using your current tagging. For more broken-down steps of how to upgrade to GA4, you can refer to Google’s website, which breaks down the process into 12 parts with action items to ensure your migration goes smoothly.

call us to set up your ga4 tracking

The Manifest Hails RainCastle Communications, Inc. as Boston’s Best Reviewed Branding Agency for 2023

It’s almost been three years since we at RainCastle Communications, Inc. embarked on this journey to help companies solve whatever digital problems they have. Since 1994, we’ve been delivering flawless solutions like the website design to content marketing. Our hard work helped us earn the incredible trust of our beloved clients throughout the years — and it’s because of them that we celebrate an amazing award today.

During the esteemed The Manifest Company Awards, RainCastle Communications, Inc. was once again recognized as one of the best reviewed branding agencies from Boston, Massachusetts this 2023!

best reviewed branding agency from boston massachusetts in 2023


It’s a massive honor for us to celebrate this wonderful award ahead of our 30th anniversary in the industry. Looking back at how our team started, we can’t help but feel extremely humbled by this accomplishment.

To give you a clearer context, The Manifest is a how-to guide and B2B news site that encompasses the marketing, technology, and business services industries. Every year, the platform holds an industry award to celebrate the top service providers that share strong relationships with their clients. For each category, 15 leaders are spotlighted based on the number of recommendations and testimonials they’ve received over the past year.

It goes without saying that we’ve earned this award because of the unbelievable support and confidence of our clients. Leaving a recommendation takes a high level of trust because your name and credibility are at stake. This award shows how dedicated and consistent we are with our craft.

Thank you so much to everyone who believed in RainCastle Communications, Inc.! We look forward to cherishing more exciting moments with you all this 2023 and beyond. Cheers to more prosperous decades to come!

Looking for a strategic partner that can help your brand go forward? RainCastle Communications, Inc. is here for you. Connect with us and let’s work together.

High Tech Items


The Importance of Hiring the Right Branding Company

The Importance of Hiring the Right Branding Company

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Websites / Animated Videos


Branding / Marketing


Maximize Website Content to Increase B2B Lead Generation


What does it mean to have a lead generation website? At its core, it’s sparking viewers’ interest in doing business with you. Does your B2B website do a good job capturing your audience? If you haven’t implemented these techniques, probably not; the upside is there’s room for growth.

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Is Your Website Ready For Google’s Mobile-First Indexing?

googlemobile.jpgYou’ve been hearing for some time that you need to have a Responsive Website (one that automatically reconfigures to the device from which you are viewing, whether desktop, tablet or smart phone).

You may also have heard that Google penalizes websites that are not responsive by making them appear lower on the search results page when one searches on a mobile device.

What you may not have heard is that Google recently announced it has started experiments to make their indexing “mobile-first.” Thus, Google algorithms will eventually, primarily, use the mobile version of a site’s content to rank pages.

What the new algorithm will mean to you:

Your site’s mobile experience will be the primary point of reference when your content is indexed, not your desktop pages (which is the case currently). If you already have a responsive site and have not reduced the amount of content to better fit the mobile form factor, then you have nothing to be concerned about.

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