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Every Web Project is a Branding Project

Well, almost. Regardless of the fact that we provide integrated services, often when a client comes to us for a website, they are not thinking about branding, yet it is often the issue that will make or break the website. Branding is often considered more of a consumer concern or maybe just an expensive “nice-to- have.” Of the six key components of a website development project — Content, Information Architecture, Search, Design, Interactivity and Programming — “content” is nearly always the chief area of focus, where the most time is expended and where differing opinions can affect outcomes and timing.

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5 Tips for Creating an Effective U.S. Website

We’ve been asked recently by some global companies seeking to increase their U.S. business,“What makes an effective website for the U.S. market?” This article is addressed to them but the answer represents general best practices. Read more

Welcome to Driving Rain!

This is my first post and I’m pretty excited. The blog will be a place to discuss how differentiation — in creative, client service, marketing relationships, brand messaging, user experience — can be applied to what you do for your customers. I’m also looking for serendipitous dialogues, the unexpected and often meaningful interactions that can happen when one puts themselves “out there.” In the long run, we know that this blog will be much better if you share your thoughts with us.  So please feel free to let us know what you think, either by commenting, or if you would rather email us, we’d love that as well.  Social media gives us the ability to all share and collaborate on ideas, and the discussions we have here will be much more valuable for everyone if you share your thoughts and opinions with us!

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