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The Power of Video and Images in Content Marketing

videoiconWhile marketers have come to recognize the power of content marketing and the need for it to be strategic, web visitors and social media users have begun to wonder what to do with so much content. So how can marketers get the attention of people who are becoming saturated with so much relevant content?

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Do B2B Brands Need to be Ideals-Driven?””

L to R: Selina Yoon, John Canestraro, Jim Stengel, Paul RegensburgRainCastle is pleased to be working with Jim Stengel, former Global Marketing Officer of Procter & Gamble, and an industry leader in the fields of Marketing, Brand and Business. 

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What We’re Thankful For, And One Thing We’re Not (Marketing Edition)

It’s the start of the holiday season and time to celebrate one of the most thoughtful (if derived from historically misguided events) days of the year: Thanksgiving. And 2012 has given us a lot to be thankful for. In light of this, we wanted to share some of the many things we at RainCastle are most grateful for this year in the world of web design and marketing. But, ever the Scrooge, couldn’t resist the opportunity to highlight one particular 2012 frustration.

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Happy Thanksgiving from RainCastle and the HubSpot Unicorn

The holidays are a great time to re-connect with customers and reinforce professional and personal relationships for your brand. One of the best ways to do this is by sending a holiday card or holiday-themed newsletter that celebrates the time of year, offers content or exclusive promotions, or just offers a laugh.

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Why 1/3 of Marketers Are Unhappy With Their Web Site Design

Unhappy Marketers diagramA website redesign is a serious undertaking for any business, and as I discussed in a previous post on the web as an catalyst for better marketing practices, in many instances it forces the client to re-evaluate their brand strategy and marketing.

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