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Is Removing Top Navigation a Web Design Trend to Avoid?

For the most part, I’d answer yes, but at the same time, it may be inevitable.

By the time a web design trend is recognized as such, it is a fait accompli, and practically all new sites begin to look the same. Take a look at the most recent web trends such as Parallax scrolling, long scrolling pages, use of icons, full bleed images, infographics and the list goes on.

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Do People Read Long, Scrolling Web Pages?

Mobility has rendered the long scrolling web page the design standard for modern websites. But does it work? By work I mean does it provide a good user experience for your visitors and do people actually scroll down to that 3rd, 4th, 5th panel and beyond? Even as someone that is creating scrolling sites, I’ve had a gut feeling that few visitors venture “beneath the fold,” just as few Google visitors venture past page one of Search results. So I did a little research to either support my instincts or cause me to reflect on my dinosaur delusions. Read more

Responsive Design Pros and Cons

responsive websiteWith a year and a half of Responsive Design behind us, I’m able to speak from experience about the pros and cons of this timely technology and to recommend whether to utilize Responsive Design, not to use it, or whether to go for a separate mobile site.

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Is Your Business Ready for Design Thinking?””

hiresgroup3I’ve been reading a lot lately about a rapidly growing business trend called, “Design Thinking,” a practice widely popularized by global innovation and design consulting firm, IDEO, which describes the close collaboration of analytical and creative people who are addressing a product or service innovation problem. “Design Thinking” is often characterized by rapid prototyping or iteration until one has arrived at an innovative solution. Enterpreneurial types call it “design by failure,” with the understanding that it is through multiple failures that success is born. It is the model companies like Apple have taken and one that is headed toward the tipping point of becoming common corporate business practice in the digital age, which is tracking toward becoming the “age of innovation.”

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