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How Your Rebranding Strategy Leads to More Sales

Our staff has marveled at just how frequently the companies for whom we have provided brand strategy, visual branding and website redesign, have been purchased by larger companies not long afterward.

Soon after we provided branding and web design for our client, Predilytics, a predictive analytics company, they successfully sold their company to Welltok, Inc.Pred_bottom

Again, shortly after creating a comprehensive rebrand and launching a new identity for Unica Corporation, they successfully sold to IBM. At about the same time, our client, Netezza, was also sold to IBM. There was also Coley Pharmaceuticals and Targanta Therapeutics; these are but a few client transactions that have happened not long after our collaborations were completed.

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The Secret World of Social Media Strategy

social_iconsEntering the social media world without a clearly defined strategy is full of perils. Clients who come to us for branding or a website or marketing programs sometimes want to throw in a little social media, lest they be left behind or miss out on an important channel.

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Why_Experience_MattersI write regularly about how branding impacts your website, your marketing and your business. Last week, in celebration of RainCastle’s twentieth anniversary, we launched our new website, in which we introduced our new brand theme, “EXPERIENCE MATTERS,” here’s why.

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The Value of a Great Website Process

Important website processWhat happens when the self-service digital ethos in which we are living is applied to a website design and development process?

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3 Steps to Building Brand Loyalty Using Social Media

There’s still concern in the B2B community about just how important social media is in creating and sustaining relationships with partners and clients. But when it comes to building brand loyalty online, social media is the most beneficial tool available.

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This is the Era of Brand (Loyalty)

blog brandIn my last blogpost, I talked about this being the Era of Design. I made the statement, “great design is about inventing and sustaining a vision.” I think that statement actually begins to describe the role of a brand more than design. Great design is about elegantly solving a particular problem, be it creative, technical or business in nature.  

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Clayton Christensen: Applying the Theory of Jobs-to-be-Done””

RainCastle is pleased to be collaborating with Harvard Business School professor, Innosight cofounder, and disruptive innovation pioneer Clayton Christensen to create his new website, to be launched in May. The web design process incorporates Clay’s famous “Jobs-to-be-done” theory.

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What Today’s Marketing Numbers Mean for Your B2B Business – Part 1: Email Marketing

Last week’s post featuring illuminating statistics from the NEDMA Marketing Technology Summit brought on a slew of questions: how do you turn today’s marketing numbers into actionable campaigns?

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Building Client Trust in Internet Marketing

Our clients and partners are a bright bunch; highly educated and accomplished in their fields. So it has surprised me lately in a few conversations about internet marketing, social media, content marketing, etc., that they can be uncertain or uneducated about it. It’s interesting to see that in the world with everything at our fingertips, we can still live in our own bubbles.

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Providing Incentive Prizes for Positive Online Reviews: Resourceful or Cheating?

Internet marketing is seeing nothing but growth. But in the past year, we’ve seen specifically a greater influence placed on customer reviews through review sites such as Yelp, forum sites like Quora, and social media reviews and recommendations.

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