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Countdown: 21 Days Before Google Changes its Mobile Search Ranking. Are You Ready?

If your website is not mobile friendly you will experience a lower ranking after April 21st when people search using their mobile device. 

With the rise in mobile activity online (searches via mobile devices will surpass that of the desktop in 2015), Google announced that as of April 21st they’ll “use mobile-friendliness as a ranking factor in their mobile search results.” It is important to consider mobile-friendliness from a technical and marketing perspective. This article from the Huffington Post cites 3 key points for marketers to keep in mind.

  1. Use limited space well
  2. Pay Attention to the hierarchy of information
  3. Write with mobile in mind

If you don’t know if your website is mobile friendly you can find out by testing your website using this Google Tool.  

If your website is not mobile friendly RainCastle can help! Learn more about our mobile website design and development services and request a quote today!  

Interested in reading more about responsive design? Check out this article, “How to Create a Responsive Website Design and Why Your Site Needs This Facelift.”