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Six Easy Ways to Update Your Corporate Website Design

Cruise around most neighborhoods this time of year and you’ll see people outside pruning, fertilizing, watering and planting. Like a garden, your website is a living, growing thing. Many people believe that maintaining a website is a lot of work, so we’ve brainstormed six quick ways to revitalize your website design that will improve your marketing and visitor engagement.

1. Update your SEO

If your website design does not include the “keywords” your audience is using to find you, or if your company name appears in every page title tag on your website, you are probably not attracting nearly the number of site visitors you could be. Take a look at your organic search and see what opportunities you’re missing. Revitalizing your website SEO can help bring in new traffic and potential customers, and strengthen your existing site in the eyes of Google. Additionally, if you add simple Google Analytics code to your site, you can begin to learn what content is resonating and what’s falling flat.

2. Create simple calls-to-action

Adding calls-to-action on your homepage and secondary pages is a great way to control the flow of your website traffic, bring in new leads and increase the likelihood of return visits. It shows that your business is in tune with the needs of its customers and prospects by presenting the content they need. And it demonstrates that you are current in marketing best practices.

As on the jimstengel.com site below, every page on your site will benefit from having some kind of Call-to-Action, such as “Learn More, Buy Now, Call Us, Download Here” and so forth.


3. Make sure latest content is highlighted on the homepage

Haven’t updated the “news and events” or “articles” section on your homepage design in months? Copyright statement in your footer indicate the year as” earlier than this one?” Yeah, your visitors have noticed. It’s a good bet that your homepage is the most viewed page on your site. Instead of thinking of it as a welcome mat, think of it as a welcome center – a place where visitors can come for the most up-to-date information about your business, people, and industry. Engaging visitors here leads to higher site engagement and a lower bounce rate (a measure of from where and how quickly people leave your site).

4. Add current case studies and client projects

Chances are, potential customers are visiting your website to see your projects and case studies of past projects. Seeing success stories from years ago won’t inspire confidence in your current offerings. Updating your case studies and other timely content on some regular basis is a simple way to generate more interest and remain current.

5. Revise the copy on secondary detail pages

Things change, and if you’re in an industry that is constantly developing, then revising copy on key secondary pages is a great way to stay fresh for your visitors and for Google. It’s also a great opportunity to update your internal links to other pages on your website, such as relevant new blog posts, announcements or offers. Keep in mind that today’s audiences prefer to scan pages before deciding to read, so try to make content as visual as possible, use headlines, subheads or call outs. And remember to keep it brief.

6. Update your website images

Do your website images look like this?


Old images, hackneyed stock photography, or a lack of images can all denigrate your website design. They instantly make a site look outdated or homegrown. Changing up your images with custom professional photographs or carefully-chosen stock photography gives the appearance of a redesign without a lot of work.

Once you have a plan for all of these elements – fresh content, calls-to-action, improved SEO and quality images – you can, without a great deal of effort, maintain the habit of updating your website and keep it current and hardworking as well as, engaging, relevant and useful for your audience.

Author Note: Subscribe to our blog to get access to more specific information like this, as well as company updates, announcements, etc. and of course, if you have questions, give us a call!
