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5 Steps for Saving $ on a Website Design Project

web pricing small blog With the growth of responsive design, inbound marketing, personalization and web analytics, websites have become more complex, time-intensive and often expensive. While most clients require these services, often budgets do not keep up with technology, so agencies like RainCastle need to work smart to provide our clients the best and most current services at a reasonable cost.

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SEO Tips for 2014

SEO considerations in 2014  If one believes that in life nothing is permanent, then the constant changes in the science of SEO are just a fact of life. But for those who tend to get uncomfortable with things arcane, it’s good to refresh yourself now and then. Managing your website’s SEO in 2014 looks a little different than it did in 2004.

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5 Reasons Why You Need a Website Content Editor

I’ve seen many clients, who with the best of intentions fall into the same rut year after year. There are certain universal truths about successful websites; one of them is that on website projects that include a quality content editor as part of the dedicated team, the process is smoother, stays on schedule and client satisfaction is high.

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6 Steps for Getting People to Read Your E-mail

6 steps for having your emails read If you’ve ever struggled to convey a lot of information in an email — knowing the recipient or recipient type (hint: client) doesn’t read, but skims content — and did not receive any response, then the article I just read in Fast Company is for you.

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The Value of a Great Website Process

Important website processWhat happens when the self-service digital ethos in which we are living is applied to a website design and development process?

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5 Tips for Creating an Effective U.S. Website

We’ve been asked recently by some global companies seeking to increase their U.S. business,“What makes an effective website for the U.S. market?” This article is addressed to them but the answer represents general best practices. Read more

5 Reasons to Hire a Professional Web Copywriter

In our many Web engagements clients often question whether they need an outside writer on the project. The reason for rumination is usually either related to budget or whether internal resources have the time to get the job done. From experience I believe that hiring an outside writer is necessary and often mandatory. Here are five reasons to consider:

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5 Tips for Writing Better RFP’s

When asked for our elevator pitch, I describe RainCastle first and foremost as business problem solvers, with brand strategies and websites the mediums we happen to use to solve the problems. We’ve been most successful when clients have shared their business problems and we’ve collaborated on the solution. Inherent to this equation is the combination of our strategic value and tactical execution. Read more

5 Things I’ve Learned about Blogging in the First Month

I’ve been blogging for a month and am taking a decidedly organic approach by writing about whatever issues are on my mind. This may be a bit scattershot, but it’s natural to me and I am beginning to formulate thoughts about what will make the blog successful. Here are 5 things I’ve learned in creating an effective blog. 

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