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Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr: 3 Visual Social Platforms Poised for Branded Growth in 2012

While content is king in many inbound marketing circles, certain social sharing platforms are rising to the top to be the “next big thing” by catering to a long-held design standard: people respond to visual brand representations.

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What Is HTML5 and What Does it Mean for Web Design?

HTML5 is the current buzzword in the design world; what does it entail? Should we use it? What features can it provide?

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Steve Jobs and John Lennon

I called my wife after leaving an after-work event to ask her to boil some water for the pasta. “I can’t believe… Steve Jobs,” she said in the middle of my request, having heard nothing.

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Steve Jobs’ Best Quotes

steve jobsIn honor of the revolutionary and now former Apple CEO, the Wall Street Journal has put together a list of Steve Jobs’ best quotes.

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The Steve Jobs Effect” on B2B Web Design”

ipadOther than revolutionizing the technology, telecommunications and music industries, not to mention global culture, Steve Jobs is having a decisive impact on the world of B2B web design.

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What Your Font Says About You: The Serif vs. Sans Serif Debate

According to a Six Revisions article published last fall, 60% of websites use sans-serif typefaces for headlines, the most popular being Arial, Helvetica, and Verdana.

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Your Website is the Doorway to Better Marketing

Recently, we had a meeting with an organization seeking a new website.The prospect related with some angst, the multiple conflicting goals of the organization and the difficulty they’re having assuming a leadership position in their market.

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Smart Phone Sociology

“The Really Smart Phone” is the title of a really interesting article by Robert Lee Hotz, in the Saturday (4/22/11) issue of the Wall Street Journal.

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QR Codes: Marketing Fad or Future?

Recently a client of ours for whom we do everything from web site work to direct marketing asked us to place a QR code on their next print ad. A QR code, for those unfamiliar, is a digital fingerprint — that looks like a square made up of a seemingly random organization of pixels — that when scanned with a smart phone, sends the user to a web page where the user can take advantage of an offer, buy an item, learn more etc.. In order to do this, the smart phone user must first download a “QR Reader, ” which will enable their smart phone to capture the data.

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5 Points for Determining the Price for a New B2B Website

In — what we’re all hoping are — these post-recession days, we’re happy to be seeing a lot of activity from companies wanting to remake their long dormant websites. When I get to the point in the conversation in which I ask about the investment they wish to make, the answer is often gray. The subtext is that they will let the market dictate price. Following are 5 points I recommend companies gain some certainty around, prior to speaking with potential web design and development partners. Being clear on these points will help avoid ambiguity and aid in identifying the best firm for the job, which may or may not be the low price option.

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