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Five Reasons You Need an Agency & Five Reasons You Don’t

agency_or_notI’ve spent considerable time as an agency owner putting myself in the shoes of our clients and prospects to better understand when an agency like ours, or any agency — creative, brand, web, inbound marketing, etc.— is the right investment and when it isn’t; here are my insights.

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Top Five To-Dos for Creating a B2B Inbound Marketing Campaign

Inbound marketing is sometimes passed over in favor of traditional marketing because it seems too complex or too time consuming. But in most cases it’s more cost-effective, measurable, and successful… when done correctly.

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Best Practices for Generating Quality Leads and Growth for B2B Companies: A CMO Discussion

Chief marketing officers have never had it easy. In today’s tight economic climate and with transformational shifts in marketing technologies and trends, some would say the job of CMO is tougher than ever. But those same shifts create exciting new tools and opportunities for reaching and motivating B2B buyers.

Mike_MitsockIn this conversation with seasoned CMO Mike Mitsock, we explore his thoughts on meeting today’s challenges and practical approaches for creating strong brands and generating measurable growth.

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5 Steps for Saving $ on a Website Design Project

web pricing small blogWith the growth of responsive design, inbound marketing, personalization and web analytics, websites have become more complex, time-intensive and often expensive. While most clients require these services, often budgets do not keep up with technology, so agencies like RainCastle need to work smart to provide our clients the best and most current services at a reasonable cost.

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SEO Tips for 2014

SEO considerations in 2014 If one believes that in life nothing is permanent, then the constant changes in the science of SEO are just a fact of life. But for those who tend to get uncomfortable with things arcane, it’s good to refresh yourself now and then. Managing your website’s SEO in 2014 looks a little different than it did in 2004.

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6 Steps for Getting People to Read Your E-mail

6 steps for having your emails readIf you’ve ever struggled to convey a lot of information in an email — knowing the recipient or recipient type (hint: client) doesn’t read, but skims content — and did not receive any response, then the article I just read in Fast Company is for you.

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Four Signs Your Marketing Strategy is Outdated

It’s 2013 – do you know where your marketing is? The thought should scare you, a bit. Or at least scare you into action. Chances are, your prospects are online, and if they’re not, they will be soon. In the meantime, there are still people online talking about your brand, services, successes, and shortcomings. Why risk your reputation by ignoring this community or by alienating them with outdated marketing techniques?

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