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Four Signs Your Marketing Strategy is Outdated

It’s 2013 – do you know where your marketing is? The thought should scare you, a bit. Or at least scare you into action. Chances are, your prospects are online, and if they’re not, they will be soon. In the meantime, there are still people online talking about your brand, services, successes, and shortcomings. Why risk your reputation by ignoring this community or by alienating them with outdated marketing techniques?

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What Today’s Marketing Numbers Mean for Your B2B Business – Part 2: Social Media

Social media: Levi’s had 40% growth in Facebook likes by adding individual like buttons to their products on their website

Social media can be daunting for B2B companies: how do we use it? Who monitors it? and what’s the purpose? are common questions in getting started. But social media has proven itself time and time again as an awareness builder, a platform for client interaction, and an ROI-driven.

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Illuminating Marketing Statistics from the NEDMA Marketing Technology Summit

Last week, we attended the New England Direct Marketing Association’s Marketing Technology Summit, and were treated to presenters from Google, Overdrive Interactive, HubSpot, Eloqua, and more. The conference centered on ways to utilize marketing technology to promote your brand, engage visitors, and create strong online relationships with future and current consumers.

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Google Announces Long-Term Search Overhaul to Incorporate Semantic Search

google semantic search brainGoogle announced yesterday that in the coming years the company will overhaul its search algorithm and results to incorporate “semantic search,” according to an article from the Wall Street Journal.

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Creating a Google+ Brand Page: Experiments and Tips

On Monday, Google+ rolled out its brand pages for businesses, and while the social network has lost most of its steam since the initial hype, marketers are still rushing to create branded profiles.

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Google’s New +1 Button: SEO Friend or Frenemy?

These days, the race for the #1 spot on Google is tougher than the Tour de France. I’ve blogged in the past about the dangers of approaching SEO with the expectation of being #1, but that doesn’t mean companies aren’t any less hungry for a decent ranking.

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Google+ vs. Facebook: The New War of the Websites and What it Means for Your Business

Google+ versus FacebookGoogle+ is Google’s newest attempt at a social media platform, and is, at the moment, the most cohesive social media experience available (although only for a select number of pre-determined invitees – the rest of us will have to wait).

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Getting to #1 in Google, at What Cost?

On many occasions our clients say, “We want to be #1 in Google.”This is a worthy goal, but too general to result in success. It does however, lead to interesting follow-up questions, like “For which search terms do you wish to rank?”

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