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RainCastle Named a Top Branding & Web Design Company

Digital developments have brought businesses closer to clients than ever before. Presentation is key when it comes to connecting with potential clients, and that is exactly where RainCastle comes in. And we aren’t the only people that think so.

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Four Tips for Naming a StartUp Business

naming.pngNaming is fun, rewarding, creative and interesting. How’s that for negating just about every post about the pitfalls of naming or how tedious it seems to be for many people? Granted, naming in a world of diminishing dot com availability is a challenge, but overall, I’ve found naming to be more gratifying than frustrating — when you have the right approach.

I’ve distilled four criteria that when followed, will greatly increase your chance for success and provide awareness of where the pitfalls lie so you can minimize time-intensive dead ends.

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