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Morgan Brown & Joy (MB&J) Brand and Web Design Project

Professional Services

Corporate Identity / PowerPoint / Brand Messaging / Website / SEO / Copywriting

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Corporate Identity

Corporate Identity

Home Page

Home Page

Interior Pages

Interior Pages

Icons & Graphics

Icons & Graphics

Read the Story

Morgan Brown & Joy is one of Boston’s leading law firms specializing in employment and labor law. The company is growing rapidly and had not updated their marketing and brand image for more than a decade. In conjunction with the firm’s 90th anniversary, MB&J asked RainCastle to create a new logo that institutionalizes the acronym, MB&J and create a new visual brand including the stationery system, website, collateral and PowerPoint template.

Unique features of the design include colorful, blurred motion photography from an overhead point-of-view—suggesting their broad perspective—and a family of modern, layered icons. Keeping the copy brief and using the white space of the page effectively, the overall impression is of a modern, leader in their field.

Client Reviews

For the fifth year in a row, RainCastle is recognized as a leading B2B marketing partner by Clutch:

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