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Commodity vs. Intelligent Websites

We received an RFP for a B2B website the other day. It was worded in a way as to constrain response to clearly specified tasks. When the firm called and asked us what made us different from the half dozen other firms that received the RFP, I said, “possibly nothing.” I wasn’t being flippant, just acknowledging that most anybody can create a basic website, the cost is dropping and the tools are improving.

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5 Tips for Writing Better RFP’s

When asked for our elevator pitch, I describe RainCastle first and foremost as business problem solvers, with brand strategies and websites the mediums we happen to use to solve the problems. We’ve been most successful when clients have shared their business problems and we’ve collaborated on the solution. Inherent to this equation is the combination of our strategic value and tactical execution. Read more

Waxing Poetic about RFP’s

There once was an RFP describe the image
That seemed simplistic to me

It distilled strategic needs
Into tasks, steps and fees

Real value no one could see

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